Cliff Smyth, PhD, GCFT
• Awareness Through Movement Class online on Mondays at 5:00 pm
• Feldenkrais Method Private Practice: During the coronavirus pandemic I am not offering hands-on Feldenkrais Functional Integration. However, I am offering, on a limited basis, online individual sessions which make use of Awareness Through Movement, self-touch, and guidance on movement, exercise, and mind-body practices (see below). I specialize in working with people with hand and arm pain and injures – especially repetitive strain injuries, back pain, neurological conditions (e.g. stoke, MS), vestibular issues and balance challenges, face, jaw and eye pain or strain, as well as stress and issues with sleeping. Contact me though this website
• Mind-Body Health and Wellness Coaching online using Zoom meeting software. The coaching process involves helping my clients identify their health goals, deal with barriers, and implement effective processes for developing new, healthier practices and habits. Mind-body practices (see below) can be used in the process to enhance outcomes and provide the client with practices they can use in their everyday life. When we first talk, we can discuss your needs and interests, and the best ways I can help you. I also offer life coaching, which includes helping people deal positively with life and career change, life-work balance, and similar life challenges.
Read more about the skills and knowledge I draw on:
Mind-Body Practices
Drawing on my training in Mind-Body Medicine, I use a variety of mind-body practices to help clients with pain and stress. Developed over years of practice and education, including graduate school studies, these include:
• mindfulness and other meditative practices: to develop awareness, promote calming, and to enhance sleep
• autogenics and guided imagery – which use imagery and suggestion to promote relaxation and sleep, manage the stress response, promote blood flow and warming in painful or injured parts of the body, and help people to prepare for surgery, and deal with pain and other health challenges
• attending to the body though body scans and individually-designed practices for body awareness and pain management.
Feldenkrais Functional Integration
Since 1991, I have developed my Functional Integration practice working with adults of all ages. I specialize in helping people with a variety movement challenges, and with pain and stress.
In addition to the hands-on work, I provide may clients with home practices to support their learning and recovery, and provide written home practice notes. Read more about my Feldenkrais work.
Click on the ‘About me - Cliff’ link to read my biography.